“Human Rights Lectures” are one of the human rights awareness-raising activities where citizens learn about the preciousness of life and compassion. This is conducted mainly by Human Rights Volunteers nationwide.
Human Rights Lectures target elementary school students primarily but also target junior high or high school students, university students and adults.
In human rights lectures for children, various materials including picture-cards and picture-books are utilized so as to make them understand easily the idea of respect for human rights.
In human rights lectures at junior high school, high school and university, students think about human rights violation issues together, such as human rights violations on the Internet and domestic violence, using a human rights awareness-raising video, etc.
“CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility” is a broad idea including the environment and human rights. This understanding and practice have been spreading rapidly in Japan.
Under such social condition, human rights bodies of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Volunteers hold lectures about the importance of respect for human rights at human rights training occasions in private companies free of charge.