Stop Trafficking in Persons

Trafficking in persons (TIP), for the purpose of exploitation, is a grave crime and a serious violation of human rights.
  Japan established the Inter-Ministerial Liaison Committee (Task Force) at the Cabinet in April 2004, and the Committee adopted the National Action Plan of Measures to Combat TIP on December 7, 2004, which focuses on the prevention and eradication of TIP and the protection of victims.
  In order to deal with TIP and other conducts which infringe on personal liberty, the laws such as the Penal Code were amended in June 2005 and were enforced in July 2005.
  In December 2009, the Action Plan of Measures to Combat TIP 2009 was newly adopted, which promotes continuous measures taken by the whole government to eradicate TIP.
  All government ministries and agencies concerned have been cooperating to combat TIP, and the Human Rights Organs of the Ministry of Justice conduct awareness-raising activities, human rights counseling services and investigation and settlement of human rights infringement cases.

         Human Rights Bureau

The Human Rights Counseling Offices For Foreign Nationals

The Human Rights Counseling Offices For Foreign Nationals are available with interpreters at the Legal Affairs Bureaus and the District Legal Affairs Bureaus in 8 cities such as Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, which have a large population of foreign nationals, with a view to dealing properly with their inquiries concerning human rights.