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Past technical cooperation

This explains the technical cooperation the Facilities Division has engaged in to foreign countries.

Kingdom of Thailand

The Facilities Division has engaged in technical cooperation to the Kingdom of Thailand through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) as part of official development assistance (ODA) since 1991.
In addition to carrying out the basic design of the Sirindhorn Vocational Training School in the Kingdom of Thailand, the Facilities Division has dispatched division staff to the site to give technical guidance on architecture, and provides technical assistance for managing the dispatch of specialists in the field of correctional education by the Correction Bureau, and has greatly contributed to the establishment of the Sirindhorn Vocational Training School.
In addition, through the activities of JICA, trainees from the Kingdom of Thailand have been invited to Japan for 11 years since 1996 and provided with technical guidance on both the construction and operation of correctional facilities.
The Sirindhorn Vocational Training School, completed with the support of Japan, has been used for the rehabilitation education of boys since it started operating in 1996, and also functions as a model juvenile correction facility throughout the Kingdom of Thailand, and continues to help with the development and improvement of the juvenile correction system in the country.
Sirindhorn Vocational Training School (bird’s-eye view)
Sirindhorn Vocational Training School

Republic of the Philippines

The Facilities Division has engaged in technical cooperation with the Republic of the Philippines through JICA as part of ODA since 2000.
The Facilities Division has dispatched staff members locally to provide technical guidance on construction plans of the Muntinlupa Juvenile Training Center with the help of grant aid from Japan, and has contributed greatly to its establishment with the technical assistance of dispatched experts from the Correction Bureau.
In addition, through the activities of JICA, trainees from the Republic of the Philippines have been invited to Japan for 17 years since 2002 and provided with technical guidance on both the construction and operation of correctional facilities.
The Muntinlupa Juvenile Training Center, which was completed in 2003 with the support of Japan, provides education and vocational training for boys in an appropriate treatment environment, and functions as a model juvenile correction facility in the country.
Muntinlupa Juvenile Training Center
Muntinlupa Juvenile Training Center (entrance)

The Ministry of Justice

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