Promotion activities focusing on hate speech


      Discriminatory speech and behavior intended to exclude people of certain ethnic groups or nationalities has become a public concern as so-called “hate speech”. In June 2016, the “Act on the Promotion of Efforts to Eliminate Unfair Discriminatory Speech and Behavior against Persons with  Countries of Origin other than Japan” (Hate Speech Elimination Act) was enforced. Such discriminatory speech and behavior not only causes a feeling of anxiety or repugnance, but could also violate human dignity or generate a sense of discrimination.
              Therefore, in addition to awareness-raising activities focusing on human rights of foreigners(“Respect the Rights of Foreign Nationals”), the human rights bodies of the Ministry of Justice are carrying out human rights awareness-raising activities for promoting an understanding that “hate speech” should not be tolerated, and are conducting human rights counseling and investigation and remedy activities for human rights violations including damage due to hate speech.

■ Details of awareness campaigns
 (1) Poster (PDF) and Leaflet (PDF)*
 (2) Manga booklets (PDF)*
 (3) Video "Stop online hate speech." (can be seen on YouTube)
 (4) Video "Right of Persons from Other Countries" (can be seen on YouTube)
 (5) Lectures in human rights classes and others
 (6) PR through the Counseling Service (“Human Rights Counseling Service”)

    *Please do not modify or alter the posters or leaflets.
Stop Hate Speech Poster                             Stop Hate Speech Manga booklet
"Stop Hate Speech" Poster   "Stop Hate Speech" Manga booklet

■Human Rights Counseling for Foreigners
Human Rights Counseling for Foreigners
Other ways of Human Rights Counseling

■ Act on the Promotion of Efforts to Eliminate Unfair Discriminatory Speech and Behavior against Persons with  Countries of Origin other than Japan”
article (Link to Japanese Law Translation)
Supplementary resolution (House of Councilors Committee on Judicial Affairs) (PDF)
Supplementary resolution (House of Representatives Committee on Judicial Affairs) (PDF)

 “Concluding Observations on the Sixth Periodic Report of Japan” by the UN Human Rights Committee in July 2014 (PDF)
 “Concluding Observations on the Combined Seventh to Ninth Periodic Reports of Japan” by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in August of the same year (PDF)

This is provisional translation. Please refer to the original text written in Japanese.【日本語法務省ホームページ】

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