


Please cooperate with the saiban-in system

Overview of the Saiban-in (Lay Judge) System

4. Cases Covered by the Saiban-in (Lay Judge) System

Those that are covered are serious cases. Some representative examples are the following.

(1) When a person is killed (murder)
(2) When a robber causes a person to be injured or killed (robbery resulting in death or injury)
(3) When a person is injured and dies as a result (inflicting bodily injury resulting in death)
(4) When a car is driven while the driver is heavily drunk, then hits and kills someone (dangerous driving resulting in death)
(5) When setting fire to a home where people live (arson of inhabited building)
(6) When a person is abducted for ransom (kidnap-for-ransom)
(7) When a child is not fed, neglected and dies (negligence as a guardian resulting in death)
(8) When smuggling stimulants for the purpose of obtaining economic benefits (violation of the Stimulant Drug Control Act)

The Ministry of Justice

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JCN 1000012030001 (JCN:Japan Corporate Number)

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