Secretarial Division
The Secretarial Division is in charge of secretary work for the Minister of Justice, etc., overall coordination of administration of each department, clerical work pertinent to the National Diet, public relations, liaison, etc.
Personnel Division
The Personnel Division is in charge of the general affairs of National Bar Examination Commission and clerical work accompanying its exams, etc. as well as clerical work pertinent to human resources such as the quota, appointment and dismissal of employees.
Finance Division
The Finance Division is in charge of the budget, auditing and revenues and expenditures of the Ministry of Justice.
International Affairs Division
Facilities Division
The Facilities Division engages in the design, construction work and maintenance of the facilities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice, and also in international cooperation to help foreign governments build correctional institutions.
Brochure of the Facilities Division【PDF】
Director of the Welfare Division
The Director of the Welfare Division is in charge of clerical work pertinent to mutual aid associations, the benefits and welfare as well as efficiency enhancement of the employees, pension and accident compensation.
Judicial System Department
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