フロントページ > PSIA(English) > Aum Shinrikyo > Movie on Aum Shinrikyo (English version)published

Movie on Aum Shinrikyo (English version)published

2020年7月17日 更新

We have uploaded a short movie "A Quarter Century since the Terrorist Attacks -Unchanged Nature of Aum Shinrikyo-" on our official YouTube "PSIAchannel" . It is the English version of the video about Aum Shinrikyo published in December last year. 

Aum Shinrikyo carried out the Tokyo subway sarin gas attacks that were an act of unprecedented indiscriminate mass murder using chemical weapons. The cult still remains active not only inside Japan but also out of the country as well. We hope the video helps you understand the current and actual status of Aum Shinrikyo.Take a look.

・ Full version: YouTube「PSIAchannel」(Jump to external website)


・ Short version: Official Twitter(Jump to external website)




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