



Do you encounter human rights problems in your daily life, such as unfair discrimination against foreigners or bullying in schools, etc.?
Please do not worry alone, and consult Legal Affairs Bureaus and District Legal Affairs Bureaus.
The officials and Human Rights Volunteers can provide human rights counseling  and will find the best solution to your problem.
Leaflets are available in ten languages , and they provide simple explanation about the following three human rights counseling services for foreigners, and relief procedures by Legal Affairs Bureaus and District Legal Affairs Bureaus. Please make use of them.
Human Rights Counseling Leaflet for Foreigners
外国人人権相談リーフレット(英語、 English) 【PDF】
外国人人権相談リーフレット(中国語、 Chinese) 【PDF】
外国人人権相談リーフレット(韓国語、 Korean) 【PDF】
外国人人権相談リーフレット(フィリピノ語、 Filipino) 【PDF】
外国人人権相談リーフレット(ポルトガル語、 Portugues) 【PDF】
外国人人権相談リーフレット(ベトナム語、 Vietnamese) 【PDF】
外国人人権相談リーフレット(ネパール語、 Nepali) 【PDF】
外国人人権相談リーフレット(スペイン語、Spanish) 【PDF】
外国人人権相談リーフレット(インドネシア語、 Indonesian) 【PDF】
外国人人権相談リーフレット(日本語、 Japanese) 【PDF】


 場所  対応日時  対応言語
 全国の法務局の本局  平日(年末年始を除く)
 所在地         開設場所  対応日時  対応言語
 高松市  アイパル香川(香川国際交流会館)
 毎月  第3金曜日
 松山市  愛媛県国際交流センター
 毎月 第4木曜日


Human Rights Counseling for Foreign nationals
For those who are not comfortable speaking Japanese, the Legal Affairs Bureaus and District Legal Affairs Bureaus throughout Japan provide human rights counseling services.


 Days and Hours  Language
 Main offices of the Legal Affairs
 Bureaus and District Legal Affairs
 Bureaus throughout the country
 Weekdays 9:00 – 17:00
 (Closed on public holidays and
 December 29th through January 3rd)

Besides the Legal Affairs Bureaus and the District Legal Affairs Bureaus, human rights counseling is regularly provided at the places below.

 City  Location  Days and Hours  Language
 TAKAMATSU  Kagawa International Exchange Center
  ( I - pal Kagawa )
 1-11-63 Ban-cho Takamatsu-shi
 3rd Friday
 13:00 ~ 15:00
  ( Reserve in advance)
 MATSUYAMA  Ehime Prefectural International Center(EPIC)
 1-1 Dougoichiman Matsuyama-shi
 4th Thursday
 13:30 ~ 15:30

For counseling in foreign languages, feel free to use the Foreign-language Human Rights Hotline(Navi Dial) below.




 電話番号  0570-090911
 対応時間  平日(年末年始を除く)9:00~17:00
 対応言語  英語、中国語、韓国語、フィリピノ語、ポルトガル語、ベトナム語、ネパール語、 スペイン語、インドネシア語及びタイ語


The phone number (Navi Dial) below is available for human rights counseling for those who are unable to speak Japanese fluently.  Feel free to consult with us by telephone from anywhere in Japan.
 Phone  0570-090911
 Days and Hours
 Weekdays 9:00 through 17:00(Closed on public holidays and December
 29th through January 3rd)
 Languages  English, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Portuguese, Vietnamese,Nepali,Spanish,Indonesian,Thai

Your call will be directed to the nearest Bureau to you via a multilingual  interpretation service company.
Please be careful not to dial a wrong number.
                                                Foreign-language Human Rights Hotline【PDF】            

外国語インターネット人権相談受付窓口(Human rights counseling services in foreign languages)

外国語インターネット人権相談受付窓口(Human rights counseling services in foreign languages on the Internet)



Human Rights Counseling Service on the Internet Scheduled Disconnection Notice

Human Rights Counseling Service on the Internet will be temporally unavailable due to
upcoming maintenance scheduled below.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Planned Disconnection:
   On Thursday, January 16th,
 at 6 p.m. - 12 a.m.
*Please note that the maintenance completion time is subject to change.




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