フロントページ > PSIA


2023年3月31日 更新

About the PSIA

It is the responsibility of the PSIA to ensure the public security of Japan under the Subversive Activities Prevention Act and the Act on the Control of Organizations, and to do this, the PSIA collects and analyzes information relating to both domestic and international trends, including the situation related to economic security, the trend of international terrorism, the situations of foreign countries including neighboring countries such as North Korea, China, and Russia, and the activities of various domestic organizations. The PSIA contributes to various policies of the government through the provision of obtained intelligence to the relevant government agencies in a timely and appropriate manner.
The PSIA also contributes to ensure the public security, including the peaceful day-to-day lives of the people by conducting surveillance disposition on Aum Shinrikyo in an appropriate and strict manner and clarifying the actual state of the organization’s activities.


  • 経済安全保障に関する特集ページ
  • 回顧と展望 内外の公安活動についてとりまとめた資料です
  • オウム真理教に関するページ
  • 公安調査庁公式ツイッター
  • パンフレット
  • 情報提供をお願いします
  • 世界のテロ等発生状況
  • 国際テロリズム要覧
  • 選考採用実施中!!

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