

法務省英語トップページ(2019年)  >  About Us  >  Organization  >  Organization  >  Internal Organs  >  Rehabilitation Bureau >  Workshop “Reducing reoffending: identifying risks and developing solutions”

Workshop “Reducing reoffending: identifying risks and developing solutions”

Mr. Imafuku, Director-General of the Rehabilitation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice of Japan, delivered a presentation as one of the panelists at the workshop on reducing reoffending, whose organization was supported by the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) with the assistance of the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ).

Mr. Imafuku introduced Japan’s efforts that probation offices provide housing and employment support to offenders in cooperation with other relevant organizations under multi-stakeholder partnerships in reducing reoffending. In his presentation, the efforts in housing and employment support for offenders since the formulation of the "Comprehensive Measures to Prevent Recidivism" in 2012 were reviewed. Then, Mr. Imafuku introduced a good practice in which offender reintegration was promoted through public-private partnerships with correctional institutions, offender rehabilitation facilities, cooperating employers, social welfare agencies, local governments, etc.

He also noted that public understanding in the local community is necessary in order to promote such efforts, and that probation offices are working to raise awareness together with hogoshi (Japan’s volunteer probation officers) who have been playing an important role in offender rehabilitation for many years.

During the discussion session, an official of the Rehabilitation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, representing the Japanese government, made a statement and introduced the outcome of the World Congress for Community Volunteers Supporting Offender Reintegration, including the core values of hogoshi. He shared the importance of cooperation among community volunteers, private organizations and public organizations.
(Please click here for slides of Mr. Imafuku)
(Please click here for the report of the workshop)

Presentation of Director-General Mr. Imafuku at the workshop