


Activities at the Kyoto Congress

(Please click here for the website of the Kyoto Congress)
(Please click
here for a digest video of the Kyoto Congress)

The World Congress for Community Volunteers Supporting Offender Reintegration

The World Congress for Community Volunteers Supporting Offender Reintegration
The World Congress for Community Volunteers Supporting Offender Reintegration (the “World Congress”) was held as an ancillary meeting of the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (the “Kyoto Congress”) on March 7, 2021. The purpose of the World Congress was to discuss the significance of participation of community volunteers such as hogoshi in Japan in reducing reoffending, as well as measures to foster these community volunteer systems throughout the world. At the World Congress, the Kyoto Declaration on Community Volunteers Supporting Offender Reintegration (the “Kyoto Hogoshi Declaration") was adopted, which included efforts to increase the international recognition of community volunteers such as hogoshi and to foster these community volunteer systems in each country, as well as to establish the International Day for Community Volunteers Supporting Offender Reintegration "Hogoshi Day" as an International Day of the United Nations.

(Please click here for details of the World Congress)
(Please click here for the whole of the Kyoto Hogoshi Declaration)

Introduction of the offender rehabilitation system of Japan by hogoshi and members of the Women's Association for Rehabilitation Aid (WARA)

Visit to the Kamigyo Offender Rehabilitation Support Center
The Kyoto Prefectural Volunteer Probation Officers Association, the Kyoto Women’s Association for Rehabilitation Aid, and the Volunteer Probation Officers Association in Support of UNAFEI’s activities also participated in the Kyoto Congress.
(Please click here for details)

Workshop on reducing reoffending

Workshop on reducing reoffending
The organization of the workshop on reducing reoffending of the Kyoto Congress was assisted by the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) with the support of the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ). As one of the panelists of the workshop, Mr. Imafuku, Director-General of the Rehabilitation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice of Japan, delivered a presentation addressing the importance of housing and employment support, and the role of cooperating employers, offender rehabilitation facilities etc. under the multi-stakeholder partnerships.
(Please click here for details)

Introduction of Japan’s BBS (Big Brothers and Sisters) activities at the Youth Forum for the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (The Kyoto Congress Youth Forum)

The Kyoto Congress Youth Forum
Prior to the Kyoto Congress, the Kyoto Congress Youth Forum was held on February 27 and 28, 2021. Japan’s BBS members participated in the Forum.
(Please click here for details)