

トップページ  >  申請・手続・相談窓口  >  行政手続の案内  >  外国法事務弁護士関係手続  >  外国法事務弁護士承認・指定申請の手引及び書式




承認・指定申請等の手引(本文・参考資料 一括セット版) [PDF]
承認・指定申請等の手引(本文) [PDF]
承認・指定申請等の手引(参考資料1 外国法事務弁護士の概要と職務の範囲) [PDF]
承認・指定申請等の手引(参考資料2 参考書式・様式) [PDF]

※2018年4月1日から日本弁護士連合会の外国法事務弁護士職務基本規程が一部改正され、外国のローファーム等に所属されている外国弁護士の方に関する登録要件が定められました。外国のローファーム等に所属されている方は、承認申請前に日本弁護士連合会HP「ABSに係る外国法事務弁護士の方へのご案内」を御確認いただき、御不明な点は日本弁護士連合会(Tel 03-3580-9741)にお問い合わせください。

English version

Manual on Application for Approval & Designation(Text & Reference materials) [PDF]
Manual on Application for Approval & Designation(Text) [PDF]
Manual on Application for Approval & Designation(Reference material 1) [PDF]
Manual on Application for Approval & Designation(Reference material 2) [PDF]

NOTE: The Manual (English ver.) is compiled based on the amended version of the GJB Act and the Regulations which are effective as of November 1, 2022.
NOTE: Amendments to the Basic Rules for Duties of Gaikokuho-Jimu-Bengoshi etc. of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations(JFBA) came into force from April 1, 2018, introducing certain requirements for registering as Gaikokuho Jimu Bengoshi with the JFBA for foreign lawyers who belong to a law firm or other organisations providing legal services outside Japan. If you belong to such law firm or organisations outside Japan, please read the " Infomation on ABS and Gaikokuho-Jimu-Bengoshi " available at the JFBA website prior to submitting the application for approval to the Ministry of Justice. For further inquiries, please contact the JFBA(Tel 03-3580-9741).



承認申請書 [EXCEL]
承認申請書 [PDF]
承認申請書(記載例) [EXCEL]
申述書 [EXCEL]
申述書 [PDF]
申述書(記載例) [EXCEL]
指定申請書 [EXCEL]
指定申請書 [PDF]
指定申請書(記載例) [EXCEL]



参考書式1-1 職務経験を証する書類 [WORD]
参考書式1-2 職務経験を証する書類(労務提供) [WORD]
参考書式2 本邦における労務提供に関する上申書 [WORD]
参考書式3 過去の登録に関する上申書(再申請の方) [WORD]
参考書式4 事業計画書(個人で単独開業する場合) [WORD]
参考書式5 事業計画書(本国ローファームの支援を受け、単独開業する場合) [WORD]
参考書式6 賃貸借契約の自動更新に関する上申書 [WORD]
参考書式7 住居確保に関する上申書 [WORD]
参考書式8 保険加入に関する上申書 [WORD]
参考書式9 委任状 [WORD]
参考書式10 願出書(雇用主に関する資料の転用)[WORD]
参考書式11 過去の承認・登録事実に関する上申書 [WORD]
参考書式12 支援・監督することを証する書類 [WORD]
■ 参考書式13 地番表示に関する上申書 [WORD]
■ 参考書式14 氏名に関する上申書 [WORD]

〈English version〉
Reference form1-1(Documents certifying professional experience ) [WORD]
Reference form1-2(Documents certifying professional experience(provision of services in Japan)) [WORD]
Reference form2(Statement on provision of services in Japan) [WORD]
Reference form3(Statement on past registration (for persons making a reapplication)) [WORD]
Reference form4(Business plan (cases where you plan to have an independent practice)) [WORD]
Reference form5(Business plan (cases where you plan to have an independent practice with support from a law firm in your home jurisdiction)) [WORD]
Reference form6(Statement on automatic renewal of lease contract) [WORD]
Reference form7(Statement on securing a residence) [WORD]
Reference form8(Statement on the purchase of insurance) [WORD]
Reference form9(Power of attorney) [WORD]
Reference form10(Petition for Reuse of Employer-Related Documents) [WORD]
Reference form11(Statement on Past Registered Foreign Lawyer Approvals and Registrations) [WORD]
Reference form12(Guarantee of Support and Supervision) [WORD]
Reference form13(Statement Regarding the Lot Numbers Indicated) [WORD]
Reference form14(Statement Regarding the Names Indicated) [WORD]

NOTE:The form of curriculum vitae
There is no prescribed form of curriculum vitae. Please submit your curriculum vitae in an appropriate format.
It must contains the whole of your job history from the date of qualification acquisition.
The form provided on the JFBA website (the form of curriculum vitae submitted to JFBA at the time of registration) can also be used.




規則第10条第1項届出書(参考様式) [EXCEL]
規則第10条第1項届出書(参考様式) [PDF]
規則第10条第1項第4号に関する保証書 [WORD]
規則第10条第1項第4号に関する保証書 [PDF]

NOTE: If there has been any change in the facts that formed the basis of the approval or the designation, you have to notify the Minister of Justice of such a change.


規則第10条第2項及び第15条第2項報告書(承認・指定 参考様式) [EXCEL]
規則第10条第2項及び第15条第2項報告書(承認・指定 参考様式) [PDF]
業務財産状況申告書(記載例・日本語版)*You can use this for a Japanese translation of Declaration of Professional and Financial Status [WORD]
Declaration of Professional and Financial Status(Example・English version) [WORD]
規則第10条第2項第3号に関する誓約書 [WORD]
規則第10条第2項第3号に関する誓約書 [PDF]
規則第10条第2項第4号に関する誓約書 [WORD]
規則第10条第2項第4号に関する誓約書 [PDF]

NOTE: These documents are to be submitted to the Minister of Justice every two years from the date of approval and designation.


NOTE: Attaching the translated version of documents
If any of your accompanying documents is written in a foreign language, you need to attach a Japanese translation.
The translation needs to contain 1) the translator's name, 2) the date of translation, and 3) the statement to the effect that they have faithfully translated the original, for example, attach the following sentences, etc. in Japanese at the end: "I hereby certify that this document is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true, accurate and complete translation.[Date][Position][Name]".

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